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Coach Annie Head Coach

Annie swam for the Kings Ridge Water Wizards for 11 years and coached for four of them! She is now studying Sports Media at York College of Pennsylvania while continuing her swim career. Annie can’t wait to start coaching the familiar and new faces this upcoming summer! She’s very excited to be given this opportunity to lead a team that’s so close to her heart.

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Coach Parker Head Coach

Parker has been swimming competitively for 13 years all across the country, both competing with and coaching for Kings Ridge for the past 2 years. He is now a first year at the University of Virginia studying Media and continuing to swim as a part of the university's club team. Parker is extremely excited to have been given this opportunity: to work with the many swimmers and families he has grown so close with over the past few seasons as well as all newcomers. It's going to be a great season, go Water Wizards!

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